Official and governmental organisations

GTZ-Fax list of official partners

ADA official homepage

CDS - Central Department of Statistics

CHIC - Cooperative Health Insurance Council

GOTEVOT - Technical and Vocational Training Corporation - Homepage

IDB - Islamic Development Bank

KAAH - King Abdulaziz Hospital

KAU - King Abdul Aziz University - Homepage

KACST - King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology

KSU - King Saud University

MOCT - Ministry of Communication

MODA - Ministry of Defense

MOE - Ministry of education - Homepage

MOWE - Ministry of water and electricity - Homepage

MOF - Ministry of Finance

MOFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Homepage

MOH - Ministry of Health

MOHE - Ministry of Higher Education

MOI - Ministry of Interior Homepage

MOEP - Ministry of Econimic and Planning

MOMRA - Ministry of Municipl and Rural Affairs

MOPAMR - Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

MOPTT - Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone

MOT - Ministry of Transport

RCJY - Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu

SACHS - Saudi Council for Health Specialist

SAGECO - Saudi-German Development and Investment Company

SAGIA - Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority

SASO - Saudi Arabian Standard Organisation

SDF - Saudi Arabian Development Fund

SEAPA - Seaports Authority

SIDF - Saudi Industrial Development Fund

STC - Saudi Telecom Company

SWCC - Saline Water Conversion Cooperation

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